Become a Recognized Authority in Your Niche with Precise Personal Branding

A programme for consultants & founders who want to level up.

  • Stand out from your peers
  • Get better quality clients
  • Charge premium

…even if you are just starting out.

Having Trouble Articulating What Makes You Unique?

You know you’re good at what you do. But in the highly competitive world of consulting, you feel almost invisible. Despite your expertise, you’re not attracting your ideal clients or commanding the fees you deserve.

You watch lesser-skilled consultants snag the top gigs because they stand out, not necessarily for their skills but for their branding. It’s frustrating. You’re stuck in a cycle of undervaluation, and it’s stifling your business and career growth. You know something needs to change.

Unlock the Barrier to a Cohesive Personal Brand

You’re facing a critical barrier—a lack of a distinguished personal brand.

In the consulting world, not standing out is as good as being invisible. Without a robust and unique identity—your A.C.E. (Authority, Credibility, Expertise)—you blend into the background, overshadowed by those who’ve mastered their craft and brand.

It’s not just about being good at what you do; it’s about being recognised for it. This lack of recognition is holding you back from achieving the A.C.E. status, where your name commands respect and your presence demands attention.

The Core Challenges Holding You Back

Inconsistent Branding

Your personal brand lacks cohesion. Without a unified message, your brand voice dilutes and confuses potential clients. Each touchpoint of your brand should reinforce your unique strengths, not contradict them.


Weak Online Presence

In today's digital world, a robust online presence is crucial. If your online profiles and content don't resonate with being an authority, you're missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with potential clients and thought leaders.


Underleveraged Expertise

Despite your extensive knowledge and experience, if you're not showcasing it effectively, it's going unnoticed. You need strategic content that positions you as the go-to expert, making your expertise impossible to ignore.


Why These Matter

Overcoming these factors is essential for immediate gains and long-term business/career sustainability and growth. Without addressing these, you risk stagnation and loss of competitive edge, making attracting premium clients and projects difficult.

Imagine No Longer Feeling Overshadowed In Your Field

With a strong, distinct personal brand, you’re no longer just another consultant; you’re the expert clients are seeking out.

The days of competing on price are over; now, clients understand your value and are willing to pay a premium for it.

​You attend industry events not just as a participant but as a sought-after speaker and authority.

Your professional network grows in size and quality, with connections that bring opportunities directly to you.

This is the reality of living on your expert edge.

Your 4-Step Pathway to Personal Brand Distinction

To overcome the barriers and truly stand out, you need a tailored, strategic approach to personal branding. Reach your A.C.E summit with these four steps.

Refine Your Brand Identity

Consistency is the backbone of a strong personal brand.

By refining your brand identity, you ensure that every platform-be it LinkedIn, your personal blog, or industry presentations—carries a coherent image of who you are and what you stand for.

This unified approach doesn't just strengthen your brand; it builds trust with your audience, helping them to remember and respect your professional voice.


Utilise Your Expertise Through Targeted Content

Leverage what you know best-your professional expertise. Your knowledge and experiences are invaluable; sharing these through wellcrafted articles, posts, and thought pieces can position you as an authority in your field.

This isn't just about getting noticed; it's about earning respect and credibility and solidifying your reputation as a thought leader.


Enhance Your Online Presence

Visibility is critical, and not just in the physical sense. Enhancing your online presence goes beyond active social media engagements. It involves ensuring that your digital persona reaches the right audience, engages with key influencers, and stands out during industry discussions.

Optimising your online interactions expands your professional network and opens doors to new collaborations, pushing your career to new heights.


Get Featured on Media & Podcasts

Thought leadership is about extending your reach and influence beyond your immediate network. Podcast guesting and gaining media coverage can significantly elevate your profile. Reach out to podcasters, journalists and media outlets that are looking for expert opinions in your field.

Present yourself as a credible resource, and soon, you'll amplify your voice and add an extra layer of prestige to your personal brand, distinguishing you as a pioneer and a visionary in your industry.


Implementing these strategies will not only differentiate you from the competition but will also elevate your professional status to that of a recognised authority.

The daunting task of transforming your personal brand alone can feel overwhelming. The expertise required to market yourself effectively, the time commitment needed to create and curate impactful content consistently, and the strategic insight to position yourself in the market are substantial.

Without professional guidance, the path is fraught with trial and error, which can be costly and time-consuming.

​But don’t worry, I am here to help.

I'm Dean, and I've been where you are.

I fully understand the struggles of carving out a personal brand.

Nearly two decades ago, I transitioned from education to Public Relations. I started with small campaigns and gradually took on bigger projects, working with diverse clients and securing media coverage.

But despite my successes, I wasn’t building my own brand —I was struggling with imposter syndrome. I was delivering high-quality work yet I doubted my credentials as a thought leader just because I lacked formal training.

It wasn’t until I decided to be fair to myself that things changed. I had the skills; I just wasn’t applying them to myself. By refining my core brand message and creating content around it, giving presentations, and securing media interviews, I built a strong brand as “the PR guy”.

But I didn’t do it alone. A close-knit group of business friends provided invaluable support – offering feedback, sharing insights, and helping refine my strategies. I learnt that personal branding is a journey best traveled with guidance and community.

Now, you stand at a crossroads. You can continue alone, steering the uncertain DIY path, or you can partner with someone who has walked this road and can streamline and enhance your journey toward building a strong personal brand. Let me help you amplify your expert voice.

Your journey starts now.

Dean Shams
Brand Communication Strategist

Benefits You Can Expect

Cohesive Professional Image

Comprehensive Brand Messaging Framework

Expanded Market Reach

LinkedIn Visibility Accelerator & Custom Content Strategy

Elevated Visibility & Authority

Public Relations Campaign

How it Works

Step 1: Schedule your discovery chat

We will discuss your needs and I recommend which solutions you will benefit from the most.

Step 2: I handle the details

Most work is done by me and my team with occasional check-ins with you for approvals and alignments.

Step 3: Collaborate, create & excel

You get to experience being on top of your game without the time commitment needed to build an impactful personal brand.

What You'll Get

Comprehensive Brand Messaging Framework


Linkedin Visibility Accelerator


Custom Content Strategy


Personalised Content Creation


Podcast Guesting & Media Campaign


Ready To Get Started?